Directions to Office

D’Amico & Associates in Counseling is located at:

15750 South Bell Road, Suite 1A

Homer Glen, Illinois 60491

The address to the office of D’Amico & Associates is listed below. Directions can be found on Google Maps or any internet map site, but for easy instructions, here are the highlights. When coming into Homer Glen on 159th St, through Lockport or Orland Park you will turn on South Bell Rd.  (From the overpass of Interstate 355, it is 4.5 miles to South Bell Road.) There is a shopping mall on the left with an old department store building on the corner of the mall and on the other side of the street, there is a Shell gas station.  Go into the mall area and look way back into the corner of the lot, you will see a 2 story brick building with a Bell Tower on the very corner of the building on the top, with Bell Tower written.  Go to the rear of the building for parking. Our office is located on the first floor. From the rear parking lot, we are the first suite on you right. The office suite is 1A.

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